copyright @ 2006-2016 Will Franken





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My Dentist Died :(

Interproximal Stripping
Baby Teeth
Pearly Whites at the Pearly Gates
Interocclusal Registration
But What About Dental Care?
12 Year Molar
Gold Teeth, Yellow Teeth
Tooth Fairy
Class I Malocclusion
Class II Malocclusion
Class III Malocclusion
Proper Occlusion
More Baby Teeth
Cephalometric Imaging (w/Add. Interproximal Stripping)
The Drill

Suggested Donation is £5! Thanks, and don't forget to brush!

Direct download: mydentistdied.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:42am EST

Leonard Gravelin

This is a short song called "Leonard Gravelin"

If you like it, please remember to donate via Paypal. Thank you.

Wm. Franken


Direct download: leonardgravelin.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:04pm EST

Écoutez-vous? Il est moi, Dieu.

Chapitre Un: Je suis un homme noir.

M. Franken reçoit quelques messages.
M. Franken fait un voyage en Angleterre.
M. Franken va au magasin d'avantage.
M. Franken visite la station de radio.

Chapitre Deux: Où sont toutes les femmes noires?

Todd conseille Mike.
Mike fait un coup de fil à Comcast.
Mike accueille un visiteur.
Mike regarde un album de photo.

Chapitre Trois (la Révision): Je suis une femme noire.

Mlle Harris entend une voix.

suggested donation is $5; although you can always give more :)

Direct download: ecoutez.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:58pm EST

Good Morning and Good Night

The Rue de la Moo-Moo, part one
The First Beatles
So Much Talent. . .So Little Time
It's A Wonderful Tragedy
Recon Tango Charlie
Give Context A Chance
To Hell With Hemingway
Loose Marbles (a documentary)
What Is It You Do Again?
Molly Ringwald Cornflakes
The Shelter (a story)
The Rue de la Moo-Moo, part two (Good Night)


Direct download: Good_Morning.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:46pm EST


Life In The Afterlife
American Individual
The Importance of Being Inconvenient
Hate On The Windshield
Hate On The Stand
Lady Chatterly's E-Mail
No SROs For RSOs!
To Catch a Molestingbird
Wasn't That Funny?
Afterlife In The Life

Direct download: civilian.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:50am EST

Never Give Up the Surrender

The Great Indoors (a medley)
Sounds of Sounds 1
Just Following Orders (a tale)
Sounds of Sounds 2
Postmodern Hyperbole
Rise and Shinerael
Area 48
Aye, We Need Ye Now. . .
The Great Indoors (slight return)

Direct download: surrender.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:13am EST

Whose Dick Do I Gotta Suck To Get A Blowjob Around Here?

The Sad Jar
The Sadder Jar
The Ironic Power Of -10
Giving Back To The Community Calendar
Open Language Barriers
Keeping Up Appearances
Two "Braves" And A Slave
Muhammed Scorsese's Latest
Our Lunch Specials
Lesbian Biscuit Interlude
Our Dessert Specials
Muhammad Scorsese 2 (Infidellas Reprise)
The Sad Kuffar

Direct download: whosedick.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:21am EST


What Goes Up. . .
Postmodern Briar Patch
Knee-Jerk Bridge-Building
Salt Of The News
Casper The Friendly Club Kid
A Mother Of Big Fucking Deals
The Eleventh Hour
Looking For Mr. Rainbow
Good Intentions Gone Bad (Briar Patch II)
. . .Must Come Down
Happy Thanksgiving (Emancipatory Anthem)

Direct download: pastorale.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:04pm EST

Texas Chainsaw Yuletide

Texas Chainsaw Yuletide
Nyena Hyack & Mr. Hong
One Of Two Ways
The Brutality Nation
A Very Stupid Car
Life Changing Manifolds
Cheap Air-Fare
A Very Special City
The NIG-Word
Back The Way We Came (a medley in ree-verse)
It's Only Christmas (But I Like It)

Direct download: texaschainsaw.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:23am EST

Odometer Fraud

Vicks Cough Turkey (OF 1)
Gnowy The Gnowing Knome
SUSAN: Then And Now
"It Followed Us Here. . ."
The Ball Of Mistrust (OF 2a)
Does My Sacrifice Turn You On?
Kitty-Cats And Dingoes (OF 2b)
Slippery When Liberated
What Windows Lead To
The Cute, The Bad & The Ugly
A 21st Century Dickens
A 21,000 Pill Salute (OF 3 [or 1])


Direct download: odofraud.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:23am EST

My Personal Space

Your Call
Gillette: The Best A Man Can Get?
Ready For My Close-Up
Biology In Heaven
The Little Girl In My Brain
Sticks and Stones and Hurtful Words
Personal Space (Main Title Theme)
Welcome To Jail. . .
Is It Ever Too Late To Be Early?
More To Michael Moore Than Meets The Mouth
Your Call II: Space Hassle

Direct download: personalspace.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:58pm EST

The Big Black Stone Thing

Live From Burning Man 2007!
Demographic Gender Shifts In Marketing
In Search Of The Perfect Take
This Envelope Was Made For Pushing
Lord, Hear Our Prayer. . .
Friday Is Unacceptable
Ejaculating Into The Swan
Our Feature Presentation
The Submarine Of The Subconscious: All Aboard!
"Soy Of The Earth", Verse 1
Dateline Has A Request
"Soy Of The Earth", Verse 2
Discovering The Big Black Stone Thing
The Submission Of The Subconscious: All Aboard!

Direct download: bigblackstonething.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

Michael Krenford Is Not Alone

My Lord!
Children Were the Future
Do You Know the Basics?
What They're Thinking. . .
Back From Break
Back From "Back From Break"
Michael Krenford Is Alone
Good Country Dancers
The 4th Part of My Trilogy
Rachel's Story
Michael Krenford Is NOT Alone

Direct download: michaelkrenford.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:03am EST


Special "Making Of" Featurette
Chief Woo-Um of the Suburbs
The Meddling Mother of Modern Times
A Magic Bed
3:17 a.m., Hell's Kitchen
25th Year Anniversary Special Edition
New York's Nicest
Special Police Department Version
"I'm A Fraud, Kid."
Little-Man and Davis
The Year Has Now Turned

Direct download: hellskitchen.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

Side Two of Abbey Road

Her Majesty
Here Comes the Sun
You Never Give Me Your Money
Sun King
Mean Mr. Mustard
Polythene Pam
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Golden Slumbers
Carry That Weight
The End

Direct download: sidetwoofabbeyroad.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:27pm EST

STROLLERS (Volume 1)

The Chinese Olympics (runtime 9:06)

(note: first volume of new series of shorter-length podcast episodes collectively called
Strollers. Please don't forget to donate if you enjoy! Thanks! Have fun!)

Direct download: tibet.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

STROLLERS (Volume 2)

To Answer That Question (runtime 6:31)

(note: please don't forget to donate! Thanks! Have fun!)

Direct download: question.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

STROLLERS (Volume 3)

Response to "God Bless America" (runtime 4:13)

(note: please don't forget to donate! Thanks! And God Bless America!)

Direct download: gbamerica.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:48am EST

STROLLERS (Volume 4)

The Financial Crisis, Part One (runtime 9:00)

(please donate if you enjoy. . .art is a beautiful thing. . .)

Direct download: financialcrisis1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

STROLLERS (Volume 5)

The Luis Jimenez Show (runtime 15:07)

(note: Please don't forget to donate! Thanks and enjoy!)

Direct download: luisjimenez.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:04pm EST

Take It To The Limit. . .

(or, "The Financial Crisis, Part Two")

Track Listings:

1. Wall Street Today
2. A Freudian Interlude
3. Wall Street Tomorrow

(Note: My first full-length episode since Side Two of Abbey Road. Runtime is 31:16. Remember, donations are not only appreciated, but I also like them! Thank you for donating!)

Direct download: insidewoman.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

When the Evening Stars Sing Together

(note: Please don't forget to donate! Thanks, and enjoy!)

Track Listings:

1. Welcome to Star Cinema
2. Coming Attractions
3. Our Feature Presentation: Ave Maria
4. Job 38:7

(runtime 17:20)

Direct download: starry.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:02pm EST


(note: Please don't forget to donate! Thanks, and enjoy!)

Track Listing:

1. Jack Trenford: CIA
2. Venting about Theresa
3. Shaniki-Wa

(runtime 6:52)

Direct download: shanikiwa.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm EST